Friday, January 17, 2014

East LA Farmer's Market: Every Saturday, 9am-2pm

I enjoy taking my kids to local Farmer's Markets. I make it interesting for them by giving them each $5 and allowing them to buy any fruits and vegetables they want. They like the idea of having money to spend and since they made the purchase they usually eat what they buy. Try it with your kids!

I've been visiting this Farmer's Market for years. There is a wide variety of fresh produce, plenty of parking in the lot or parking structure, and there seems to be more vendors, music, and activities each year.

Visit the information booth at the south side of the market to get a frequent buyer punch card and be rewarded with a voucher for free produce after a certain number of visits.
 The market is every Saturday from 9am - 2pm. Combine the trip with a visit to the East LA Library, a walk around Belvedere Lake, and some time at the play equipment for a nice morning out with the family.

Visit: for more information.

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