Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Cleaning! Time to go through your kid's backpack!

Spring Break is a great time to go through your kid's backpack and give it a good scrubbing! As a middle school teacher I occasionally helped a kid clean out their backpack. I've found:
  • an old McDonald's hamburger
  • papers that were supposed to be signed by parents that were dated from 6 months prior
  • a Game Boy (the kid thought it was lost at his Grandma's house)
  • completed homework assignments (when the kid was failing the class, he forgot to turn them in)
  • library books (that the kid had paid for because she thought she had lost it)
  • a rancid container of chocolate milk in a backpack that was leaking
Check for binders that are falling apart, make sure your kid has paper, pencils, and pens. Go through old assignments and throw the whole backpack in the washer, give it a good soak and rinse in the sink, or spot clean with a wet rag. Your child's teacher will thank you!

If you find anything interesting, please share! What's in your kid's backpack?

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