Before I hit the aisles I stopped at the manager's desk to ask about the restrictions. There on the desk is a big sign with the coupon terms:
SUPER DOUBLE COUPON POLICYI was a little irritated that the manager on the phone told me the coupons would be doubled today only, but then I realized that at least all of my shopping is done for the next few weeks, so I'm only slightly bothered. I'm sorry if any of you dropped everything like I did to go to Ralph's, only to discover the offer is good until Thanksgiving.
Effective 11/14/10 - 11/25/10
All manufacturer's coupons doubled are subject to the expirations and specific language contained in the manufacturer's coupon. The following are excluded from this promotion: all liquor, fluid milk products, "Free" coupons, coupons marked "Do Not Double", or that exceed the value of the item and except as we specifically advertise, any coupon that require the purchase of multiple items. A limit of 1 coupon per household for each coupon offering will be doubled. All other coupons of that offering will be redeemed at face value. All coupons $1.01 or greater will be redeemed at face value.We reserve the right to accept, limit or refuse manufacturer's coupons issued by other supermarkets.
Since Ralphs does not allow more than one copy of any coupon to be doubled I had to make two separate purchases. My first purchase included the special buy 10/get $5 off deal, produce, cans of soda, diapers, and special items that I usually tell my kids "no" to but I made the exception since I would save $2. I saved $39.60 with coupons and my total was $80.93, an overall savings of 33%. After I loaded everything in the car I went back in and purchased only the 10/$5 off items and items I had $1 off coupons for. I saved 25.60 with coupons and my total was $29.91, an overall savings of 46%.
Looking at the numbers it doesn't look that great but I know I got a great deal on everything. I know the lowest prices of a lot of things I usually buy. You can see what I usually pay here:
I spent a whole two hours at Ralphs this evening, one day my kids will be old enough and they'll have the patience to come out with me and be my second, third, and fourth purchase for me. Until then it's multiple trips to the market for me.
I made a third stop by Ralph's today. I picked up 4 boxes of cereal, 3 boxes of frozen veggies, 2 packages of pasta, and 2 kid's spin brushes. With the double coupons and the buy 4/save $4 on cereal deal I saved 50% off my total!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go back and see if I can get the $4 off/4 cereal again and stock up. I don't know if the special is linked to my Ralphs card though, the ad says "One offer per household" or if that is just meant to deter people from bringing their whole family and each person ringing up as a seperate transaction.