Monday, January 31, 2011

Disney Store: Pre-sale Tangled Movie Promotion

The Disney Store is having a Pre-Sale Tangled Promotion.
Pre-pay for the Tangled 2 disc Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Pack for $24.99 and get a coupon for $10 off any $10 purchase or $20 off any $40 purchase, and a free reuseable Tangled bag. (3/26: The store is all out of lithographs.)

The movie, Tangled is due to be released on March 29, 2011.  You can pre-order the movie in store or online. For more details click here. This pre-sale promotion is good while supplies last.

Pre-Order 2-Disc Tangled Blu-ray Combo Pack with FREE Lithograph Set Offer

Get a $5 off coupon for Tangled 4-disc edition at You must be a member of Disney Movie Rewards to print the coupon.

How To Find a Job: Guest Blogger, Bernadette Gilbey

Finding a new job is one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever have, yes you need to consider this as a job itself, set aside regular hours each day to look for employment. It is very tempting to want to take advantage of this time to catch up on housework, spend time with the kids, lunch or park time with some stay at home moms. Don’t do it, if you start hanging around with them you will quickly lose motivation you need to keep looking.

So how do you start? You’ll need to do some basic prep work ahead of time.

First let EVERYONE you know that you are looking. You never know where your next job will come from and there are many companies that list open positions internally before posting them to the public. Be prepared to always be asked about how it’s going and try to be tolerant of this question, it can get frustrating as the search continues but you do want to keep the word out that you’re still looking.

Make a resume, everyone needs one and it doesn’t matter what type of position you’re looking for this is a great chance to evaluate your skills. Leave that “objective” crap off the top because employers know that you’ve just changed that to fit whatever you’re applying for at the moment. Instead of an objective do a bullet point list of your skills and abilities. Your work history should just go back 10 years and most employers are not going to care that you worked after school at the mall. If it’s really old and not relevant leave it off. Make two resumes, one with and one without your salary history. Make a PDF of your resume, most computers can do this and you’ll avoid having your resume pop up looking like some format freak on their computers, PDFs can not be changed and things like those squiggly lines under your last name will vanish. Also you don’t need to put hobbies and clubs on your resume, employers don’t care that you love making cakes and you were on yearbook staff during your sophomore year because you liked that one guy.

Be honest with your skills and experiences – if you think you can fake your way through something you can’t. It is a tough job market out there, employers are receiving an avalanche of responses for open positions and right now they can cherry pick candidates. Companies are now calling past employers, testing skill levels, running credit and background checks on applicants.

Create a cover letter, this can be a brief introduction – keep it professional and don’t include personal details. This should state what you’re looking for, why you feel you’re a good fit for the vacant position. You’ll need to spell check both your cover letter and resume and let others read it and give you critique on it.

Get a real e-mail address, things like “live4mybaby”, “turtlesrock”, “funnysal2389” should not be used, go to gmail and make a new e-mail address just for job searching. This will also give you a clear separation from your regular life. Your new e-mail address should be simple, try to get your name if possible it’s just easier. If you’re name isn’t available and you have to add numbers don’t use your birth year, try using an underscore or a dash between your first and last name or reverse your name and go last name first, that may still be available. You’re a grown up, you’re asking these people to give you thousands of dollars a year and a proper e-mail address really is the very least you can do to show them some respect.

Lock down your Facebook, Twitter, blogs, My Space – seriously if you still use My Space you may have bigger problems then needing a new job. Employers are checking these sites, I’ve passed over numerous candidates after seeing status posts or hard partying pictures. If you’re reading this, you’re probably a Mom anyways and why do you have these things out there??? Seriously – lets do some untagging of photos and get those questionable status postings deleted. When you’re looking for a job you should put your profiles on complete security blocking everyone outside of your friends list from seeing anything related to your profile.

Now that you’ve taken down your tipsy karaoke pictures you’re all set to start looking.

Know what you’re looking for – part time, full time, contract? What benefits are you looking for? What’s the salary range you’ll need? How far are you willing to drive? These are all things you’ll need to figure out before hitting those job listings. Make a list of types of companies you want to work for – giant multinational corporations, small family owned businesses, service industry or retail. Most companies have a website with links to vacancies.

When looking on job sites use the advanced search function to get salary ranges and find a job within your commuting range. A lot of jobs will not list a pay rate but will say this is negotiable or based on qualifications – you can look at similar postings to guess a pay rate or do a search online for pay ranges by region for this type of work.

Don’t scatter shot and apply for everything. As a former staffing manager it was really frustrating to get applicants with no experience or didn’t even remotely meet the qualifications requested. Sure everyone has to start somewhere but now is not the time, if you’ve only ever been an junior level accountant don’t go gunning for controller ok? Keep a list of all jobs you’ve applied for and check off who you have and haven’t heard back from. This will help you keep track of the type of position you’re suited for based on what kind of feedback you get. When applying always include a brief note about yourself and why you’re applying in the e-mail, messages with just attachments lack effort and signal that you really don’t care.

DO NOT BE A STALKER!! Positions listed get TONS of responses back, you need to get your resume in the ring early but with such a large amount of responses do not expect to get back even a confirmation e-mail from a company. If you don’t hear anything back, don’t feel bad it just means they didn’t feel you were a good fit at the time. It’s not the end of the world, no need to drive by and shake your fist in rage at their office. Do not call or e-mail again, it seems desperate and needy and they will not call you back.

When you get called in for an interview make sure you’re dressed appropriately, if you’re interviewing for a job in retail you really don’t need a suit. Even if it doesn’t need it iron it again, check that your shoes don’t make some weird squeaking sound and bring a lint roller with you. Don’t go crazy with the make up and try to keep your handbag small and simple. Have an index card with your reference contact information and the addresses and phone numbers for your former employers, sure you can look it up on your phone but that phone is going to be left in the car right? You’re not going to take it in with you and text your friend while you’re waiting in the lobby right?? Right?? Have a little nibble before you leave the house, you don’t want your stomach growling in the middle of an interview – be careful its not something that would upset your stomach later, you can stop at Casa Garcia on the way home for some delicious nachos. Also it’s a good idea to stop in the restroom before going in, I did work at a place that had an applicant pee on a couch in the HR department which grossed out our office so much we had the couch removed and used that office only for storage in the future, you don’t want to be the person that causes that.

Always follow up with an e-mail later in the day thanking your interviewer for their time, its just common courtesy and will keep you fresh in their mind. Remember that most people do not like letting people down, if you don’t hear back from them you’re probably not getting a second interview or the job. It’s not your fault, its just easier if they ignore you and you’ll eventually get the hint and just fade into memory.

I hope some of this has helped you, remember that its ok to take time off during the job search. You need some time to yourself and no one is expecting you to do this 24 / 7.


This article was written by Guest Blogger, Bernadette Gilbey. Bernadette works as a Processing  Manager for a company in Encino. She has extensive experience hiring personnel, and due to the economy has conducted two personal job searches in the past few years.

McDonald's Valentine Coupons! 12 coupons for $2! What a bargain!

They're back! McDonald coupons for kids! 

12 coupons for $2! (less than 17 cents each!)
3 coupons each for Free Apple Dippers, Apple Juice/Milk Jug, Small Cone, Hamburger

Available only at participating McDonald's restaurants.
Fine Print: Valid 2-14-11 to 5-15-11. One free item per certificate. Redeemable by children ages 12 and under. Present certificate before ordering. Limit one certificate per person per visit.

When I heard about these I called every McDonald's in the area and after 25 calls I found a McDonald's that had them!
(Located about 3 blocks south of the Quad)
8840 North Painter Avenue
Whittier, CA 90602
To find the phone numbers for the McDonald's in your area click here. Call around, if you find another participating McDonald's please comment below or leave a message on my Facebook page so others can go out and buy theirs too!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Looking for work? Tips for how to find a job.

I received a couple of requests about how to find a job. I'm a teacher by trade, but currently I'm a stay at home mom. I didn't think I was the best person to write this article so I enlisted the help from a few people I know who either hire personnel, are looking for a job, or have recently found a job. Here is their collective advice.

Don't waste any time. If you are getting unemployment benefits, they run out after 99 weeks. It seems like a long time, but for someone dragging their feet, it comes up pretty quick and before you know it, your benefits have run out, your skills are rusty, and a possible message you are sending is that you lack ambition. Some employers such as Los Angeles County or anything in the aircraft industry have a long hiring process with tests, exams, background checks, etc.. it could take several months to get from the application process to actual employment, then up to a month more to the first paycheck.

Get your resume ready. If you don't have one, create one. Have a few people look it over, take it to a resume workshop to be reviewed. Save it as a Word or PDF file for sending to prospective employers. Spell check and proofread your resume. Write a cover letter specific for each job you are applying for. Don't repeat things that are in your resume; instead focus on how your experience makes you a good candidate for the position. Do not leave the cover letter out, companies are getting hundreds of resumes for very few positions. One of the ways to whittle down the number of candidates is to toss out any resumes without a cover letter. Spell check and proofread your cover letter.

Practice for an interview. Look up common interview questions such as, "What are your strengths and weakness?" and prepare answers. Have someone with experience interviewing give you a mock interview.
If you get an interview, dress up. Suits for men, business attire for ladies. Do not wear cologne or perfume, and minimize the jewelry. Cover up any tattoos and remove excessive piercings. Leave your cell phone in the car. Take three copies of your resume with you and answer the questions truthfully. Have a reasonable expectation of how much money you expect to make. Research the company, know what they do, and come up with a few questions to ask, because the interviewer always asks, "Do you have any questions?" Steer clear of questions about trivial matter such as break time, when benefits kick in, how long it takes to get a raise, or how much the job pays. Once you've been extended an offer, then you can ask those questions and specifics about compensation. At the end of the interview if you think you'd like working there ask for the job, tell the interviewer you think you'll be good for the position and give them a few reasons why.

Use online resources,,,, Do a search of these sites everyday because companies post a job, get hundreds of replies, then simply stop receiving resumes. Replying the first day means the company will look at your resume with interest. You should not have to pay or enter your social security number to run an online job search. Craigslist warns, "Do not submit to credit checks or background checks for a job until you have met the interviewer in person."

Don't dismiss the Sunday paper. The LA Times employment section may only be two pages, but some companies are still in the stone age when it comes to technology. If anything, there is a weekly job search advice column that's pretty good.

If you get a call from an interviewer that you did not get a job offer ask if they thought there are any areas they think you can improve upon that may help you find a position with another company. Maybe it was something you said or didn't say in the interview, then take the advice to heart and improve for next time.

Review your facebook, twitter, and myspace page. Either edit your privacy settings or edit the content of your page. Many employers run background searches on their prospective employees, which may include social networking sites.
Tell your friends and family that you are looking for a job, if they hear of anything they will pass it along to you. If you were trained at an institute/academy or have a degree from a college/university contact the career center and see what services they offer their alumnae. If you are looking for a part time job, keep your eyes open, I see stores and businesses every where I go saying, "Now Hiring".

You may need to get training in a new trade. Look into the programs the community colleges offer, some work source programs offer free training or licensing programs. The ROP program at high schools are open to adults for a cost of only $50 a class.

Sign up with a temp agency. Some companies never post open positions, instead they hire certain positions solely from temporary agencies. Check out,,

The LA County Library has online tools for job seekers including job listings, resume assistance, interviewing skills, cover letter writing, business and company research services, job training, and more.

Good Luck! I'm rooting for you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dairy Queen 1/2 off everything! Cerritos, Huntingtion Beach, & Garden Grove locations!

Dairy Queen is having Customer Appreciation Days and certain locations are having 1/2 off everything on the menu today, Wednesday, January 26th and Saturday, January 29th!

The participating Dairy Queens near the 90640 are in Cerritos, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Redlands, & Aliso Viejo!

You can search for a participating Dairy Queen in your area and which days the restaurant is participating by clicking here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentines Day Card for Kids: BOGO Free at Rite Aid and other Valentine options...

Assorted Licensed Valentine's Boxed Cards Selection may vary by store<br />price with wellness+ cardRite Aid has boxed Valentine cards on sale this week Buy One, Get One Free. Great deal if you have two or more kids! The boxes with 33 cards are $1.99 and there are some boxes with 16 pencils for $3.99 that are also included in the sale.

The drug stores are all carrying individually wrapped chocolate candies ($4 bag) and lollipops ($2 bag of 20) that already have the To/From label on the wrapper. Generally a really good price for a mini chocolate bar or a larger lollipop is 10 cents a piece or less. Pixie sticks are the cheapest candy you can find at two-three pennies a piece on sale, last Halloween I found them at Wal-Mart in a package of 100, they are also sold at Smart & Final.

Click here for some ideas on homemade Valentine ideas. I especially like this "Give a Hoot" idea.  It can be easily done with a heart shape instead of an owl and Pixie sticks.

 Give a Hoot

UPDATE 2/1: I wrote this last week. The Rite Aid sale is over. Keep your eyes open for sales where the candy is 10 cents a piece or cheaper and you've got a bargain. I didn't see Pixie Sticks at my recent Wal-Mart trip, and brand name Valentine candy was going for 15-20 cents a piece, no real bargains. There might be some coupons for candy out there, or there might be bigger sales next week.

See also my McDonald's Valentine post here.
Read about Krispie Kreme Valentines Cards here.
Free Chuck E. Cheese Token Valentine's here.
Free Disney: Cars Printable Valentine's here.

Kids Adventure Garden in Thousand Oaks! Free admission!

Kids Adventure Garden
at the
Conejo Valley Botanic Garden

Sundays 1:00 - 3:00pm

I came across this garden geared for kids and it looks like a lot of fun! The children's garden is part of the larger Conejo Valley Botanic Garden and admission to both is free! The garden includes pathways, a creek, play houses, and lots of places for kids to pretend. Click here to read more and see a video of the garden!.

Thousand Oaks is about an hour long drive from Montebello but you can visit family along the way or pair the trip with a drive along Westlake/Decker Road (Hwy 23) to Malibu or Santa Monica (PCH Hwy 1) either before or after a garden visit!  For a map of the area click here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Princess Tea Party! Disney Store @ Shops at Montebello Mall: Jan 22!

Break out those Halloween Costumes people! It's dress up time at the Disney Store!

Princess Tea Party at the Disney Store Montebello
Saturday Jan. 22

First session is at 11:00. Second session starts at 12:30.

Line ups start 30 minutes before the event. Girls can dress as a Princess and boys can dress as a Prince (or just come as you are)!

Bring your camera and have fun!

Reminder: Two Saturday 1/22/11 Activities for Kids!

In case it slipped your mind the Montebello Baseball Association is having a free baseball clinic for kids at Grant Rea Park Saturday, January 22. Click here for more details.

The December Winter Wonderland event was postponed due to rain. It was rescheduled for Saturday January 22. I've searched the city website, didn't see it on the calendar. I don't know if it is going to happen, all the city offices are closed today, but it may be worth the effort to drive by City Park tomorrow at 1:00. Click here to read about the event.

Have a great weekend!

Montebello Afterschool Program available at three city parks!

People on the south side of Montebello may lack a super market but they are rich in after school park activities! Each weekday at Holifield Park, Reggie Rodriguez Park, and the Cathy Hensel Youth Center is kids can find after school fun and homework help.  Most days an activity is organized from dodge ball to musical chairs. Special field trips on non-school days are also arranged for a cost.

Holifield Park, 1060 S. Greenwood Avenue, Montebello 323-887-4589 Open 3:30 - 6:30pm.
Reggie Rodriguez Park, 200 W. Mines Blvd, Montebello 323-887-1358 Open 3:30 - 6:30pm.
Cathy Hensel Youth Center, 236 S. George Hensel Drive, 323-887-4577
     Open Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 9:00 Friday 4:00 - 7:00
     Basketball Court: Monday/Tuesday 4:00 - 9:00, Wed/Thurs 4:00 - 6:30, Friday 4:00 - 7:00.

Montebello Parks & Recreation Classes for Jan-March

The Montebello Parks & Recreation Department class schedule is out!

From now through March 2011 residents of all ages can enjoy a variety of classes for a low monthly fee.  Classes are offered in dance, martial arts, fitness classes, beginning guitar, oil painting, crafts, and baking. There are three senior classes that are free for residents 50 years and older. 

To view the schedule and register online please visit the parks and recreation site here.  You can also register in person at 1700 W. Victoria Avenue, Montebello during their regular business hours Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 5:30pm .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Introduction to Blues Music for Kids @ East LA Library: Jan 26

Events at the East LA Library fill up fast and the librarians are very strict with the number of people allowed  in the community room. Plan to arrive a half hour early to get good seats to guarantee admission.

Free High Efficiency Toilets for some San Gabriel Valley residents!

The Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District is giving away two free High Efficiency toilets per household in their district.  Customers who live within the USGVM water district boundaries may participate in the program.

Residents of Arcadia, Baldwin Park, Bassett, Bradbury, Duarte, El Monte, Irwindale, Monrovia, Rosemead, San Gabriel, South El Monte, South Pasadena, South San Gabriel, Temple City, and Valinda are eligible to participate in this program.

Residents in certain communities of  Azusa, Covina, Glendora, Industry, La Puente, Hacienda Heights, West Covina, and Whittier may be eligible. Call 626-443-2298 to see if your home resides within the boundaries.

Customers must bring in a current water bill and photo ID. Residential address that have previously participated do not qualify. The old toilet must be returned to the location the same day. Supplies are limited and are offered on a first come, first serve basis.

Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 8:00am.
Margaret Heath Elementary School
14321 School Street
Baldwin Park, CA 91706

For more information call 866- 308-8391.

My husband insists that replacing a toilet is so easy even I can do it. If you want to get rid of your grungy dirty eco-unfriendly toilet then you can see step by step toilet replacement directions here.

Free Penny Saver Magazine Greeting Anytime!

The Penny Saver Magazine  is delivered to your mailbox every Wednesday. Not only does the Penny Saver offer coupons for local restaurants and the bakery outlet on Vail Avenue but they now have made free greetings available every week!

Just call, tweet, fax, or mail your 15 word greeting to friends and family by Thursday at 5pm and it'll be in the next issue! Think of the possibilities!

2 Free Tickets to Brial Expo in Los Angeles/Anaheim April 2-3, 2011

Are you planning a wedding or quinceanera this year? You can get two free tickets to the Great Bridal Expo!

Saturday April 2, Los Angeles
Sunday April 3, Anaheim

Tickets are $7 pre-sale or $9 at the door. You can get 2 free tickets and by entering the code: BGPFT at checkout. Once the code is entered you'll have the option of sending 3 friends a promo code so they can get 2 tickets for free!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Free Dog Food and other online Freebies!!!

Did you adopt a shelter dog in 2010? The Pedigree Dog Food Company wants to thank you with a free bag of dog food!  Click here for details.

If you love free samples, check out one of my favorite websites: She has a tab with Free Samples available online. You can browse through all the free samples available here.

Ponytail Girls Fastpitch! Sign ups all month!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

3 hours of Bowling + Shoes for $15: Relay for Life Fundraiser @ Beverly Lanes

Montebello Relay for Life Fundraiser
to benefit the
American Cancer Society

Friday, January 14 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm

AMF Beverly Lanes
1201 West Beverly Boulevard
Montebello, CA 90640

$15.00 for 3 hour of bowling and shoes, 6-8pm of regular bowling and 8-9pm of "Cosmic Bowling". Please join us and support a great cause. Everyone that attends will also have an opportunity to win door prizes!

Montebello Batting Cages Coupon: 16 free pitches or save up to $5!

I found this on the Montebello Baseball Association Facebook page. Coupon expires 2/25/2011. Right click on the flyer to print!

California Community Colleges: Job Fair 1/22/11: Los Angeles

Information about a job fair for 110 community colleges within California. Opportunities for faculty, management, and staff. January 22, 2011 10am - 3pm at a hotel near LAX.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Disneyland Discounted Ticket Options

One day/one park tickets to Disneyland are $76 for adults, and $68 for kids 3-9.

The following is a list of discounted Disneyland ticket options:

Purchase a 2-Day 1-Park per Day Ticket and visit either Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park each day for two days. This ticket is not valid for visits to both theme parks on the same day. Tickets may only be purchased between January 2, 2011 and April 14, 2011. Valid through May 14, 2011. Parking is $15 a day. TIP: Use this ticket as a stepping stone to an annual pass, use this pass on any two days you want then use the $99 towards an upgrade at the end of your second day.

Southern California Select Annual Passport $184 ($9/ month after initial $76 payment)
Enjoy 170 pre-selected days [weekdays only] of admission to both Disneyland Resort Theme Parks. Add another $99 a year for a parking pass otherwise parking is $15 a day. TIP: Even though the pass is only good on weekdays, the first day if purchased at the park is up to you, go on a weekend the first day.

Disneyland® Resort 4 Day Park Hopper® Ticket plus $50 Disney Gift Card $199.99
4 days of admission to both Disneyland® Park and Disney’s California Adventure® Park, including visits to both Parks on the same day. $50 Disney Gift Card. Available for Southern California Residents residing in Zip codes 90000-93599. Proof of residency required upon admission. Use all 4 visits by May 31, 2011. Parking is $15 a day. Purchase at Costco. TIP: Use this ticket as a stepping stone to an annual pass, use this pass on any four days you want then use the $151 credit (less the gift card) towards an upgrade at the end of your fourth day. Use the gift cards to buy the $99 ticket for a family member. You might be able to use the gift cards to pay for parking.

To make the most of your days at Disneyland plan to arrive at the gates 40 minutes before the park opens. Disneyland and California Adventure allow guests in 30 minutes before the parks officially open and you'll get a head start and be closer to the rides when the park does open. We once enjoyed 9 rides in the first hour and half of the park opening!

 If you are on the west side of town stop by Costco: Commerce (Washington at the 5 Freeway) to load up on food on your way to or from the park. Costco's awesome churros are $1.10 compared to Disney's $3.75! The food court is open until 6pm and closed Sundays. The food court is accessible from outside of the building so no membership is necessary!

Aryso Grill Restaurant: 25% off the bill

The Aryso Grill is running a promotion. 25% off the bill when you mention "Facebook" to the server. I've eaten there twice since the remodel and the food is great!

Aryso Grill Restaurant

Prices on the meal prices range from $7-$12, the most expensive dish is a whole lobster plate for $36.95. There are special 1 or 2 person meals (like Chinese restaurants), and there are 8 lunch specials available Monday-Friday from 11am-2pm for only $3.99! Here is a photo I took today. Chicken Enchilada Lunch Special $3.99* and a side of rice $1.50.

Comfortable booths line the walls and the center is filled with tables. Four televisions are in the corners of the room. If you don't like what you see on tv, ask the server and they'll change the channel for you.

Open Everyday 8am - 9pm
410 W. Whittier Blvd, Montebello CA 90640
(323) 725 - 9050

Lots of street parking is available or use the lot in the back of the restaurant.

*The server said the 25% discount is not available on the Lunch special prices.

Free Kids Baseball Clinic: January 22nd, Grant Rea Park + Sign-Up Information

  My friend Art shared this on Facebook, he says that kids of all abilities can attend.

Montebello Baseball Association Sign-ups every Saturday from 9am to 12pm and every Wednesday from 6 pm to 8 pm at Grant Rea Park

Ages 4-14 Boys and Girls Welcome!

(Sign-ups end February 5, 2011 at 12 pm)

Registration Fee:

$35 for T-Ball (4-5yr.) & Shetland (5-6yr)

$65 for Pinto (7-8yr), Mustang (9-10yr) & Bronco (11-12yr)

$85 for Pony (13-14yr) – All ages as of 05/01/11

Sibling Discounts Available

*Plus: Mandatory Raffle Ticket Fundraiser $100* [Must be paid at time of registration] You sell the raffle tickets and you keep the money to ease the cost!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Upland Air Show: January 8 & 9: Family Fun!

Thanks to Debra from Whittier for finding this gem!

January 8-9 2011
8AM - 4PM
1749 W 13th St, Upland, CA 91786
Adults $7, Kids 5-12 years $5, Children under 5 are free!
Pancake Breakfast
RC Club Demonstrations
Car Show
Flight Demonstrations
Hands on opportunities for the kids!

Debra says,
The Upland Cable Airport puts on a wonderful Air Show, January 8 and 9, 2011...We went last year and it was very good. They have men and women jumping out in parachutes, all kinds of planes, planes doing tricks, they have young girls and boys that have taken lessons who fly...if you don't go into the Airport there is plenty of space across the street where people bring chairs and also watch.
The air show website also lists the price of "ride opportunities" where you can pay to fly to be a passenger in some private planes including a bi-plane and a helicopter! It looks great! Thanks again Debra!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Year Subscription to the Sunday LA Times for only $10!

That's a great deal, but if you miss out on the chance to buy it at the bargain price, call the Times yourself! 1-800-LA-TIMES, tell them you heard of a $10 promotion and ask if you can have the subscription at that price. I did just that a few months ago and they offered me a better deal of $9.88!

Give it a try! The coupons alone are worth the cost and more!

Lego Club Magazine: Free Subscription & Coupon

Get a free Lego Club Magazine subscription for the Lego Fan in your family! Fill out the free subscription form and receive 2 years (12 issues) of Lego Club magazine for absolutely free!

A coupon for a free child's admission to Lego Land with adult purchase is included in every issue.
Sign up for the the free Lego Club Magazine here!

or call 1-866-534-6258, code JR33



A sign promoting the free Lego magazine at Legoland California.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Ballet, Tap, and Pre-Ballet Lessons offered at the YMCA: Two lessons free!

A new dance instructor has been hired at the YMCA and she has some exciting things to offer for little ones and you can try them out for free! Update 6/15:When the classes started there was a promotion where you can try the first class for free, I think they still honor that promo. You may want to ask.

Pre-Ballet for 3 year olds, Mondays at 4:30pm. Half hour class. Introductory ballet class. Class fees charged monthly $25 members/ $50 non-members.

Ballet & Tap Combo Class for 4-5 year olds, Mondays 5:00pm. Hour long class includes 30 minutes of ballet and 30 minutes of tap.  Class fees charged monthly $40 members/$80 non-members.

Students should wear a leotard with tights, leather ballet shoes and tap shoes, dance skirts are okay. Classes begin on Monday, January 10.