Thursday, November 21, 2019

Welcome to!

I started this website back in 2010, when my family's Disneyland Resort annual passes expired and I was looking for a way to keep track of community events that I wanted to attend with my family.

Never would I have thought that my articles and information would generate over 40,000 pageviews a month, or that I would be known as a minor local celebrity of sort. has allowed me to meet  many wonderful people and work with the great organizations and companies in my community, and I am sincerely thankful.

Much to the dismay of Mr. MontebelloMom, this website has never generated an income for me, and that was never my intention. I've always considered to be a community service project of mine. I am proud of the work I have done and I am especially proud of my community and the support we provide for one another.

My children are so much older now, my oldest is a junior in high school and my youngest will be in at the intermediate school next year. All three are involved in so many extracurricular activities that we don't have much time to attend as many local events as we'd like.

I encourage you to continue to use as a resource for community events. You can use the search bar to the right of this article to find past articles and information that you seek. Although the information may be out of date, many events run annually, and the links to the main source webpages are functional.'s Facebook page, linked Twitter feed, and Instagram are still up and running. I will occassionally post a bargain, share information, or report an earthquake(!) on those accounts.

Otherwise, I wish you all well. I'll be back every now and then to post a new event or update an article, but until then I encourage you all to give of yourself what you can to your community. It can be a friendly wave to a neighbor, letting the car at the shopping center's driveway merge into your lane, or volunteering with an organization. Every little bit counts and a lot of little bits make a whole lot of wonderful. 

Much love to you all,
Bernadine, aka "Montebello Mom"

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